February’s four tons of clothes were quickly gone

3. 3. 2025


February was again a month full of changes for the Clothing Bank. We ended the free code for the Consignment Shop, but we still received an amazing 4 tons of clothing from donors. We are very pleased that individual donors have not given up on us, and continue to provide us with their unused clothing, even though we no longer have the ability to offer a code to send them for free.

Thanks to this support, we were able to send out three dozen crisis packages to individual applicants, and another four hundred packages went to organizations that help those most in need. These include the Salvation Army, the State Integration Programme, Portimo, the Centre for Social and Health Services in Příbram, the Parish Charity Prague 1, Open Doors in Knížkovice, and the Counselling Centre for Citizenship/Civic and Human Rights in Beroun. We have also been asked for help by the municipal districts of Prague 10, 7, 4 and the social departments in Vejprty, Strakonice and Vodňany.

In the past month, we have been able to establish new collaborations that will contribute significantly to more effective aid distribution. We greatly appreciate the partnership with DOMUS – Centre for Family, which supports the whole Pilsen region, and the Open Doors Knížkovice organisation, which will help us with distribution in the Beroun region.

We would also like to thank the companies and municipalities that supported us in February. A big thank you to Blue Style, who joined us in our aid, and to JTI, who provided us with a large amount of clothing in addition to their long-term financial support. We also received great support from the municipality of Drahelčice, as well as our other regular partners Amazon, Potex, Husky and Pumax.

Thanks for helping and we look forward to the coming spring months of sorting out our wardrobes😊

The Clothing Bank team