Clothing bank
We give clothing a new life, helping those in need.
5 Tons of Material Aid Donated During the Holidays
At the Clothing Bank, we certainly didn’t rest during the holidays. Over the summer, we donated more than 5 tons of clothing and other material aid to those in need. Alongside this, in August, we distributed school supplies to children of single parents. Thousands of...
Donate and Shop for Clothing at Ploom Summer Pop Up
Take advantage of our temporary collection point right in the heart of Prague – at Riegrovy Sady in the Ploom Summer Pop Up. You can not only donate clothing but also shop for selected pieces at the Fashion Charity Shop pop-up store. Donate Your Unused Clothing and...
Twenty Tons of Material Aid in the First Half of the Year
Thanks to generous donors, volunteer help, a distribution network of collaborating organizations, and direct distribution, we managed to distribute over 20 tons of material aid to those in greatest need in the first half of this year. Aid for 5,040 People in Need Our...
Panzani Pasta Filled the Clothing
Every three months, Panzani fills our warehouse with a supply of pasta for families in financial distress. The pasta never stays with us for long. There is enormous demand for it both among individuals and the organizations we have long-term collaborations with. These...
Clothing Drive and Gifts from
We are always delighted when companies organize clothing drives for us., however, took it to the next level. They not only organized a clothing drive but also donated a large number of new essentials for mothers and children. The gifts were so plentiful...
3.5 Tons of Clothing for Those in Need in May
The amount of material aid we distributed in May surprised even us. We donated almost 3.5 tons of clothing, which equates to crisis packages for 864 people in difficult situations. 19,652 Kilograms This Year Since the beginning of the year, our system reports an...
The Office of the Government and Ministries Joined the Clothing Drive
The result is over 1.5 tons of clothing. This is an impressive amount of clothing that the employees of the Office of the Government and eight ministries decided to donate for a good cause. This was one of our largest material aid collections this year. We lost count...
2.8 Tons of Material Aid Donated in April
In April, we provided 2.8 tons of material aid, which equates to more than seven hundred packages for people in need. The total aid provided since the beginning of the year has exceeded 13.7 tons and nearly three and a half thousand packages. People in need often find...
2.8 Tons of Material Aid Donated in April
In April, we provided 2.8 tons of material aid, which equates to more than seven hundred packages for people in need. The total aid provided since the beginning of the year has exceeded 13.7 tons and nearly three and a half thousand packages. People in need often find...